Google are due to roll out a new feature that will display favicons next to search results, whilst a nice feature in that your company logo or a simplified version of it will soon be displayed next to search results from your website the number of website with out a favicon may make your search results not stand out as much.
In case you don’t already know a favicon is a small image normally 32 x 32 pixels or for older websites 16 x 16 pixels, they are currently most obviously seen when you view a web page and are displayed in the title bar next to the page title.
They are also used when you add a website to your book marks or favourite websites list as an icon displayed to the left of the page title.

The icons them selves are very easy to create by simply taking your logo or part of it and reducing the image down to 32 pixels squared, however depending on how your website is constructed it may be tricky to actually incorporate it in to your site.
For many CMS systems and themes there are settings that allow a favicon to be easily added to your website assuming you have sufficient access to make the changes.
All websites should have a favicon not having one is missing out one of the small jobs that makes your website stand out when people have multiple tabs open, however with the latest change to google these tiny images will be displayed in search results giving you even more opportunities to make your content and company identity stand out,